SP&N Distribution Boards
The Dorman Smith Loadlimiter 63 single pole & neutral distribution board system includes a versatile range of MCB boards and components for constructing comprehensive circuit management solutions.
The busbars are rated at 125A and the distribution board is available in 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 22 single pole outgoing ways. The boards also feature a neutral and earth terminal for each single-pole outgoing way.
The system is designed for applications demanding up to 125A incoming supply and up to 63A outgoing capacity and the distribution board meets the requirements of EN 61439-3.
The system is designed for incomers as either a switch disconnector up to 125A or double-pole RCCB up to 100A and for outgoing devices of single pole MCB and RCBOs up to a maximum of 63A. Modular devices such as surge protection and metering can be housed in a matching service centre mounted underneath the distribution board.
• Distribution Board EN 61439-3
• MCB EN 60898
• Contactors EN 61095
• RCBO EN 61009
• RCCB EN 61008